R data loader to generate CSV
Here’s an R data loader that performs k-means clustering with penguin body size measurements then outputs a CSV file to standard out.
# Attach libraries (must be installed)
# Data access, wrangling and analysis
penguins <- read_csv("docs/data-files/penguins.csv") |>
drop_na(culmen_depth_mm, culmen_length_mm)
penguin_kmeans <- penguins |>
select(culmen_depth_mm, culmen_length_mm) |>
scale() |>
kmeans(centers = 3)
penguin_clusters <- penguins |>
mutate(cluster = penguin_kmeans$cluster)
# Convert data frame to delimited string, then write to standard output
To run this data loader, you’ll need R installed, along with the readr
, dplyr
, and tidyr
libraries, e.g. with install.packages("dplyr"
The above data loader lives in data/penguin-kmeans.csv.R
, so we can load the data using data/penguin-kmeans.csv
. You can access the output in a markdown page using the FileAttachment.csv
const penguinKmeans = FileAttachment("data/penguin-kmeans.csv").csv({typed: true});
We can display the contents of penguinKmeans
with Inputs.table
We can pass the data to Plot.plot
to make a scatterplot of penguin size (body mass and flipper length) with text indicating the assigned cluster number and color mapped to penguin species.
color: {
legend: true,
range: ["lightseagreen", "orchid", "darkorange"]
marks: [
Plot.text(penguinKmeans, {
text: "cluster",
x: "body_mass_g",
y: "flipper_length_mm",
fill: "species",
fontWeight: 600